Like most people of my generation, I grew up reading the magical Harry Potter series, these books made my childhood I was addicted to them, I can't explain how many times I re-read these books, I didn't sleep on release weekend and I had generally finished whatever the latest title was before school started again on the Monday.

I remember being introduced to the series during one of my lessons in school, we had to bring in whatever books we had been reading recently and do a presentation on the book and author and I remember one of my fellow classmates was telling us about a young boy, around the same age as we were and him discovering he was a Wizard and this magical world that existed all around us, I was hooked before he had even finished explaining and I knew I just had to have these books. I was lucky only a couple of weeks before my Nan had gifted my brother with the boxset of books 1-3 (number 3 had only just been released) for Christmas and so I finished school on the Friday and had finished book 3 by the Monday. I ended up re-reading these books continuously for months until the next book was released.
When I was younger I enjoyed reading but I wasn't and avid reader, Harry Potter changed all that for me, J.K Rowling is solely responsible for my current addiction to books and I can only say thank you. Books are my life, they pick me up when I'm down, they understand me when I'm going through a difficult time, they make me happy.
So as it has been many years since I have read Harry Potter I have decided that this is the year I am going to re-read them, I'm excited and I'm sure I am going to be transported to my childhood and to that girl that spent many hours sitting on her bed reading all about a world she wished she could be a part of it.
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